Annual membership is only 20 Dollars
To join the WBMC simply show up on one of our rides. We ride twice weekly, wed. At 6:30 and Sat. at noon. We meet at Whiskey Junction, a map is located the bottom of our home page.
Come ride with us. If you like us join us.
TonyO WBMC Treasurer

A brief explanation about the WBMC
The West Bank Motorcycle Club welcomes all riders and all brands of motorcycles to join us to ride and share with us the love of riding.
This is a dues paying club! Ride with us, if you like us join us. The annual Dues are 20 Dollars.
The West Bank Motorcycle Club was started in 1969 by university students, In its first year it rode out of cafman union. It then moved to the west bank area the next season.
The west bank motorcycle club rides at 6:30pm on Wednesdays and 12:00 pm on Saturdays. The WBMC rides the last Saturday in April through the end of September. The first ride is a potluck style event.
We ride in staggered formation not side by side. We do not block intersections to let the bikes through. Be courteous to other vehicle, let then merge in or pass through for an exit.
The ride is lead by a roadcaptian who makes up the route then pre-rides it so they are familiar with it. The road captain will make 80-90 maps for Wednesdays and 20-30 for Saturdays and will post one on the bulletin board. The road captain will signal when they want a corner marked by rising there left fist overhead.
The next person behind the road captain is the next corner marker. They will signal the road captain and the other riders that they will mark the corner by raising their left fist over their head. Stay at your corner until the tail rider (orange WBMC vest) signals you to fall in at the rear of the ride.
The tail rider lines up with the road captain for the start of the ride and falls into line when the last bike in line goes by. The tail rider will signal you with lights or horn. Proceed from your position when it is safe to do so, falling in line in front of the tail rider.
If the ride will exceed the mileage limits, (50 mi. on Wednesday, and 90 mi. on Saturday), a sign in will be extended to those that need to leave the ride early. The signing in go for ride credits that go towards year patches and trophies.
To receive a ride credit you must be a current paid member, sign in at the ride destination. When the ride exceeds the mileage limits you will be offered the opportunity to sign in you must be on the ride otherwise you will have to go to the rides destination to get the ride credit. The signing in sheet will be started by the road captain, the road captain will then hand it in to the club secreary. After the last ride in September the WBMC holds our year-end party in the first part of October this is a potluck event with the WBMC providing the main entree. At this time patches, trophies, and awards are handed out we welcome all riders and passengers to join with us in the joy of the ride.

About this web page:
This web page was created by one of the members of the WBMC. Out of the love of riding motorcycles. With the intention of promoting a friendly, safe and fun way for others to share that experience.
The WBMC is a non-sanctioned motorcycle club

WBMC Treasurer
E-mail Web Page Editor
Web Page Editor